The mission of the Music Ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, lead the congregation in worship and provide an avenue through which individuals may share their gifts and be an integral part in worshiping our God. The Music Ministry spreads the Word of the Lord through a variety of musical styles and experiences.
Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. (Psalm 150:6)
I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Psalm 34:1)
By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. (Heb. 13:15)
Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. (Psalm 29:2)
The Minister of Music is chosen by the pastor who recommends the same to the quarterly conference for confirmation. As with all offices in the local CME church structure, the appointment is for one year. The Minister of Music’s primary function is to oversee the entire music ministry and to give a verbal report of his work to the Church Conference and a written report at each Quarterly Conference. The Minister of Music must ensure the music ministry compliments the pastor's overall vision for the church. Secondary responsibilities include the following: Work together with each choir president and choir; ensure the appropriate music is played at “all” church services and external engagements; hold two workshops each conference year for training and development; rehearse at least one hour weekly with all musicians playing the following Sunday; coordinate the annual Choir and Musician Appreciation Days with the choir presidents; encourage and train the youth of the church to play a musical instrument; and maintain appropriate sound levels within the church to ensure the comfort level for all is maintained without diminishing the quality of the music presentation.
Voices of Praise
Male Chorus
Youth and Young Adult Choir – ages 12-40
Chosen Generation Children’s Choir – ages up to 11 years old
Praise Team
Unified Praise
Choir Rehearsal Schedules
Voices of Praise Thurs. (7pm), and Sat. (10am), before the 1st and 2nd Sundays
Male Chorus Thurs. (7pm), and Sat. (10am), before the 4th Sunday
Youth/Young Adult Choir Thurs. (7pm), and Sat. (10am), before the 3rd Sunday
Chosen Generation Thurs. (7pm) and Sat. (10am), before the 5th Sunday
Praise Team Thursday at 6pm
Praise Teams
YMT’s Praise Teams consists of vocalists and instrumentalists who lead worship during the 10:45 a.m. “Praise Service.” Praise Teams also accompany the Pastor during outside engagements where choir attendance is not possible. The Praise Teams style of music is very contemporary when leading and encouraging congregational singing.
Chris Johnson - Drummer
Chris Pettiford - Organist/Pianist
All choir members are encouraged to bring musical selections to the choir for consideration. The process is as follows:
Submit to the choir president
Choir president will present the song to the minister of music
Minister of music will take to the choir for final approval after review
SOLOIST – Solos are always welcomed here at YMT. However, you must submit the selection to the Minister of Music so the musicians are properly prepared to play the selection. Soloist do not need to be a member of any of the choirs.
Rehearsals are a very important aspect for the music ministry. It is a time for the saints of God to come together for preparation to deliver the Word of God through song. The following guidelines should be adhered to at rehearsals:
- Be on time (at least 15 minutes before your scheduled rehearsal)
- Come into the House of God with your mind on learning
- Use the restroom before rehearsal starts
- Focus during rehearsal
- Casual conversation should occur before or after the rehearsal is over
- No chewing in the sanctuary for any reason
- No talking while the minister of music is teaching
- Do not disrespect fellow choir members (laughing, nasty comments, etc.)
- Be patient (everyone does not learn at the same pace)
- Learn your part and be ready.
1. Show up (attend rehearsal)
2. Stand up (posture is important!)
3. Look up (watch the director)
4. Hush up (pay attention at all times)
5. Mark up (write down any notes from the director)
Choir members should make every attempt to make both rehearsals. Missing rehearsal on Thursday night hinders the teaching process ( i.e., songs and parts are taught on Thursday evening). The Saturday rehearsal is basically a run through for the Sunday service. Please notify the choir president if you are going to miss a rehearsal.
Choir rehearsals should be spirit-filled, edify the body of Christ, and glorify our God. We must at all times keep in mind that we are in the House of the Living God. It is to Him we sing and give Glory, Honor and Praise.
The Bible tells us to: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
(Psalm 100:1-2)
Musicians Rehearsals
Musicians rehearse a half hour prior to each choir rehearsal. Musicians may be asked to stay after the choir dismisses to tighten up all songs. Special musician rehearsals may be called as necessary. When this occurs, each musician must be present. In order to play during morning worship service, the organist and/or pianist must be able to play the required historical songs of the CME Church. These songs are:
PRAISE GOD from Whom all Blessing Flow
The Minister of Music is responsible for making sure these great songs of our ZION are correctly played by all musicians.
It is the responsibility of all musicians to know what songs are being played prior to each rehearsal/worship service and to learn the same. All musicians should obtain the music from the Minister of Music prior to rehearsals and be prepared to play on Sunday mornings. If you do not know the song, or at least the basic melody of a song, it is better not to attempt to play during the worship service. Please wait until you learn or feel comfortable with playing. Morning Worship Service is not a time to practice or rehearse. It is fully understood that sometimes the Holy Spirit moves in His own way and songs are changed during a worship service. During these times let the Spirit use you, however, if you are unfamiliar with a particular song, please refrain from playing.
Attending musicians rehearsal is required! Practice, Practice, and then Practice some more!
Procedures for Accepting Choir Engagements
- Notification of Request: Once a request has been received, an immediate check of the church calendar, via the church secretary, must be performed. If the requested date is open on the church calendar, the church secretary will forward the request to the pastor for immediate approval. Church calendars are available upon request from the church secretary.
- Pastors Approval: Pastor reserves the right to use discretion in approving engagements on behalf of church/choirs. However, he will attempt to use these guidelines whenever circumstances allow.
- Choir Votes: Once confirmation of the musicians availability is received, the engage-ment is then brought to the choir members for final vote. The choir needs a majority vote. If the majority vote is yes, everyone choir member must sup-port and attend the engagement regardless of their individual votes. Choirs should always travel together and be committed to the overall success of the choir and ministry of the church.
- Church Calendar: Once the choir votes yes to accept the engagement, the church secre-tary must immediately place the date on the church calendar and bulletin at least two weeks prior to the engagement. If time allows written notification of acceptance will be sent via the church secretary to the requestor.
- Congregation: Members of the congregation should make every attempt to support all choirs in their ministry of music.
As the song says: “We are one in the Spirit, We are one in the Lord”