We encourage members of the congregation to pray and be dedicated and committed to this ministry of the church. Mime is a serious vessel by which the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is portrayed to strangely warm the hearts of those seeking a closer walk with the Lord. Mime is utilized to prepare the hearts of all to hear and Word of God and be edified. To God be the Glory.
MIME and the WORD
Christian Mime – stylish gestures used to communicate a thought, story, truth or prophecy.
In the Old Testament, Ezekiel was a prophet that was called to announce God’s judgment on Israel, and other nations, and to proclaim restoration for God’s people. His preaching was not well received by the Jews who were with him in captivity, (Chapter 3). So God gave Ezekiel many methods, illustrations and demonstrations to help get the message across to the Jews. The only time Ezekiel was able to speak during the early years of his ministry was when God spoke through him saying, “Thus saith the Lord”. The rest of the time Ezekiel was silent and mimed his prophecies. Chapter 4 – 6, Ezekiel acted out most of the methods, and did illustra-tions for Israel. Israel later became restored again and God renewed the Temple and a New Jerusalem, (Chapter 40).
A greater understanding of the word, will impact one’s mime ministry. It will make the mime come alive. As the work of God is life!
Clapping the hands = representing triumph (Psalm 47:1).
Lifting the hands = show praise & surrender (Psalm 23:2)
Lifting our head = give total attention to God (Psalm 72:9)
Kneeling = humbleness (Psalm 24:7)
Laughing = joy of the Lord (Psalm 126:2)
Washing each other’s feet = sign of servant-hood (Luke 7:44)
Taking off one’s shoes on Holy Ground = to show we are not worthy and have no ownership or rights before God (Exodus 3:5)
Renting our clothes = sign of mourning (II Samuel 1:11)
Mimers are always in black attire (accent colors can be used), with mask (face) painted white to illuminate your facial expressions. In addition, you will need….
Clown White Lite Paint (oil-based) –
Black Creame Pencil (oil-based)
Make-up Remover (specialized remover to take off white & black paint)
~ White Gloves
~ Facial sponges
~ Baby Wipes (name brand only works best)
~ Vaseline (petroleum jelly)
~ Washcloth
~ Pencil sharpener
~ Face Lotion to replenish the moisture back in your skin after removing the make-up
In preparing oneself for the ministry of miming, we must first realize that our first call is to Jesus Himself. We first draw close to Him, seek to know Him, seek His face, and seek His heart. Our ministry will then be a result of the overflow of having spent time with Him. Only then can we truly answer the call to ministry. He must ALWAYS be our first love.
Brief Fellowship Opening (Group) Prayer Listening to music, discussion and interpretation of the lyrics/message of song selected Questions/Answers Teaching/Rehearsal Time Recap Closing with (Group) Prayer
Before you Minister….
It is imperative that once the group have dressed in complete uniform that we all assemble together for group prayer and depart in mediation/silence until it is time to minister.
The Scriptures tell us that God is seeking worshipers. God is looking for people who will make time to meet with Him daily. So spend time with God until your miming comes from Him. God wants mimes that are Spirit to Spirit. Mimes that will change in the lives of others. God wants to pour out His blessings on this ministry, so therefore, we must learn to be visual demonstrations of what God is saying and doing in the Spirit. We must empty our own mimes and make room for His. We must learn to express the truths of God’s heart.