Young Missionary Temple’s Drama Ministry is under the direction of Sis Charity Lewis. As such, he is ultimately responsible for preparing the necessary skits and/or presentations for each fourth Sunday of the month. Those responsibilities include, selection of material, selection of cast, and all the things listed above.
All material presented during any worship service must be biblically sound and Holy Ghost controlled. No skit/play or presentation which perverts the Word of God or sound doctrine will be allowed. The material may be humorous at times, but always challenge the congregation to accept Salvation through Jesus Christ or draw nearer to God.
The selected material and/or information must glorify God and edify the Body of Christ.
Note: You must know your congregation and have a pulse on its ministry. Common sense and discretion must be used at all times. ( For example: Do not perform a skit where a child dies, if someone in the congregation has suffered a recent lost of a child.) If the material points to one particular person in the church, then it must not be allowed. The ministry, much like preaching, must never be directed at anyone, but reach the masses.
The material selection must be appropriate for the occasion and follow the liturgical calendar of the C.M.E. Church when necessary. (i.e., No Easter Skits on Memorial Day, No Christmas skits on Good Friday) Use the common sense approach.
Others within the congregation may feel free to submit skits and/or ideas for possible presentations to the Drama Team director for consideration.
However, at no time will a member of the church be allowed to present Christian drama during a service without the approval of the drama Team Director. In order to receive prior approval for presenting during a worship service, you will be asked to perform your skit/presentation to the Drama Team before coming before the congregation.
Prior approval will ensure the overall quality of Christian drama at our church is maintained. We do not want negativism cast upon this minis-try or the quality of it to diminish. God expects our very best.
Read through the material to be presented
Give out assignments
Discuss the props
Practice Schedule ( two or three times before the performance)
Last practice is dress rehearsal.
Meet a half hour early before the drama is scheduled. Go through the drama one more time, and then pray together for God's blessing.
After the drama is done, or after the service, congratulate everyone involved no matter how the drama goes.
At the next drama meeting, discuss with the team what was great, how did they feel, what was learned, and how God used them in the drama.
Plan the next presentation